team Member update Forms
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New Executive Team Member
Welcome to the Medi-Futures family! This form should be completed by new executive team members!
*The headshot and bio submitted via this form will be updated on the website! No need to submit an additional website edit form.
**The “Team Succession Planning” form should be completed by anyone leaving your team.
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New Ambassador
New Ambassadors have joined your team – so exciting! Please complete this form on behalf of your new Ambassador(s).
*The headshot and bio submitted via this form will be updated on the website! No need to submit an additional website edit form.
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Team Succession Planning
Is someone new joining your executive team? Is someone on your team leaving or graduating? Please use this form to notify us of these changes and to discuss a ‘succession’ plan.
*Should be completed by individuals leaving your team.
All phases
Website Update Request Form
Would you like to update any text or subpages within your program’s page on the Medi-Futures website or update a current team member’s bio or photo? Use this form to share more information!
*Use this form to update a CURRENT team member’s bio or photo (someone already on the website).
If you would like to add new team members to the “Meet the Team” portion of your webpage, please use the “New Executive Team Member” or the “New Ambassador” form instead.
Preparing for a new semester of virtual shadowing…
phases 1.5 & 2
New Semester Preparation- Virtual Shadowing Program
Includes syllabus information, orientation date, virtual shadowing schedule, etc.
All phases
Website Update/Biography/Photo Update Request Form
Would you like to update any text or subpages within your program’s page on the Medi-Futures website or update a current team member’s bio or photo? Use this form to share more information!
If you would like to add new team members to the “Meet the Team” portion of your webpage, please use the “New Executive Team Member” form above instead.
after a semester of virtual shadowing has ended…
phases 1.5 & 2
Participant Hours Submission Form
Use this form to submit all program participants for the semester that just concluded. We store this data in our Medi-Futures database to keep track of all records; we’d encourage you to store this data on your end as well.
phases 1.5 & 2
Speaker/Presentation/Recording Submission – VSP Semester Conclusion
This information will be used so we can upload recorded presentations to our website and keep a database of all Medi-Futures speakers.