Our Team at Medi-Futures FGCU
Student director
Michael Alceste
Michael Alceste is a second-year undergraduate student from Land O’ Lakes, Florida. He is majoring in Biology in hopes to attend medical school in the future. Michael initially participated in Medi-Futures at the University of South Florida which inspired him to bring the program to Florida Gulf Coast University. He is extremely passionate about Medi-Futures and nurturing the pre-health community at FGCU. Aside from Medi-Futures, Michael is extremely involved in his community. He is an Honors Mentor where he provides advice and guidance to FTIC students who are in the Honors Program. He also has an internship at Make-A-Wish Southern Florida where he is involved with planning fundraising events to fund wishes for critically ill children. In addition to those commitments, he is also employed as a youth soccer coach. In his free time, Michael enjoys playing sports and hanging out with his friends.
Contact Michael at maalceste9531@eagle.fgcu.edu

Annemarie Pommerehne
Annemarie Pommerehne is a third year Health Science major with a minor in Chemistry and Biology at Florida Gulf Coast University on the Pre-PA track. Originally from Germany, she moved to Florida in 2019 to finish her high school degree, when she became interested in the healthcare field. She enjoys providing other students with advice and mentorship to help them achieve their full potential.
Contact Annemarie at apommerehne7865@eagle.fgcu.edu

Director of Outreach
Nikhil Anand
Nikhil is currently in his third year at FGCU as a Biology Major on the Pre-Medical Track. After college, he hopes to attend medical school to become a cardiologist or oncologist. At FGCU, Nikhil is an Honors Mentor, Teaching Assistant, and conducts research in Molecular Genetics. In his free time, Nikhil enjoys playing video games, watching sports, hanging out with friends, and reading books. Nikhil is excited to be a part of the Medi-Futures executive board and continue to increase awareness about this program here at FGCU!
Contact Nikhil at nanand9805@eagle.fgcu.edu

our student Ambassadors
Wellsley Hoopes
Wellsley Hoopes is a senior at FGCU on the pre-med track, majoring in Biology. I am the ambassador working with my team to bring Medi-Futures to FGCU. I previously joined the Medi-Futures program last year and enjoyed learning about how to help my program, while also personally learning my desire for my future career. I intend to teach students at FGCU, and I hope to speak with them one-on-one about the major benefits this future holds. I am excited and honored to be a part of this program!
Contact Wellsley at Wehoopes7962@eagle.fgcu.edu

Delaney Harris
Delaney got involved with Medi-Futures because she wanted to help promote and explore other ways to learn about the medical field that were different from traditional shadowing.
Contact Delaney at Drharris0226@eagle.fgcu.edu

Brogan Callioni
Brogan is a third year at FGCU majoring in Health Science on the Pre-PA track personal objective is become a PA. His goals before that are to continue to work to build experience throughout college at Florida Gulf Coast University. Brogan feels very confident working with people of various ages, and wishes to expand his understanding of my community. He is currently employed as an Imaging Technical Assistant.
Contact Brogan at bacallioni0198@eagle.fgcu.edu

Cristian Velasquez
Contact Cristian at cyvelasquez9180@eagle.fgcu.edu

Madelyn Belvo
Mady is a senior health science major at Florida Gulf Coast University. After graduation this May, she plans to apply to medical school. During her time at FGCU, she has been involved in the Honors College Mentorship Program, Global Medical Brigades, the Pre-Medical Club, and neuroscience research. These involvements along with her participation in Medi-Futures have helped her learn about different healthcare careers while also solidifying her desire to pursue a career as a physician!
Contact Mady at mrbelvo9470@eagle.fgcu.edu

Rachel Urman
Contact Rachel at rgurman4940@eagle.fgcu.edu

Antonio Jimenez
Tony is a 3rd year biology major from Miami, Florida on a pre med track at Florida Gulf Coast University in Fort Myers. He strives to become a physician in the future and practice medicine to the best of his ability. In his free time, he enjoys going on hikes, going to the gym, and cooking new recipes. He is incredibly excited to introduce Medi-Futures here at FGCU. He personally had an incredible experience participating in this program, which far exceeded his expectations. He was impressed by the quality and variety of the presentations. If you are reading this and haven’t checked out the program, he highly encourage you to do so; you won’t regret it!
Contact Tony at ajjimenez5330@eagle.fgcu.edu

Joel Eli Guerrero
Joel is a junior majoring in Biology and minoring in Spanish. His dream is to become a general dentist and serve rural, underrepresented communities like his hometown in Immokalee, FL. He has traveled to Honduras and Guatemala with Global Medical Brigades FGCU to provide free healthcare services to remote villages in Central America. He loves being a service to others and enjoys spending time with his family, fishing, and caring for his plants and baby goats.
Contact Joel at jeguerrero4281@eagle.fgcu.edu